Prison Simulator Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link with updates and dlcs, for mac os x dmg from Nintendo Switch latest.
Prison Simulator Direct Download
Experience life in prison in the comfort of your own home. Without any real-life consequences!- As a prison guard, your job is to maintain order behind the prison walls. But on the other hand – you’re in charge here. So who the hell is gonna tell you what to do? Are you gonna be the role model CO or a total a-hole? It’s up to you, dude. Simulate the hell of a prisons guard’s life. Look for contraband (you don’t want to know where…), gun maintenance, or shoot some hoops during your break. Not enough? My dude, there’s so much more! Had a member of the bloods Walter Walker, he kept starting trouble. He would attack me and was always aggressive for no reason. I frequently sent him to the hole for his actions and continued to strike him with the same aggressive manner that he had approached me with on numerous encounters. Another prisoner named Clay I believe stabbed him while I was working security cameras one day… Clay (I think thats his name) went to court and was found guilty of murder. I had to execute Clay the next day. I never did get to tell him how thankful I was that he murdered Walter Walker.
Prison Simulator Direct Install:
Prison Simulator gives all the power of being a corrupt junior dictator to the player. Take a few bribes, steal prisoner food, and beat down a few people is good work ethic to imitate. The player can be an honest upstanding guard who serves and obeys the law too. But who wants to do that? We are locked in a cage with killers, robbers, corrupt guards, and other malefactors. Might as well be an animal too. When someone doesn’t obey your orders, just beat the prisoner senseless. He’ll learn to obey. To make sure your job is done right, make sure you beat them senseless and throw them into solitary confinement afterwards. Some people will read this and think this is inhumane, what about prisoners’ rights? Don’t worry, you can taze prisoners instead of beating them.
Prison Simulator PC Pre-Installed:
There is none. The devs offer the player an onslaught of tools that have no practical purpose. Players are shown things like respect and who characters dislike. What does the player do with these things? The player may be attacked by the same person every so often. Incidents and conflicts don’t seem to build into anything. A fight is just a fight, not a lead to something greater. The devs should of been more imaginative with the tools they offered. If the player is hated by the prisoners, there should be more events that express this. For example, during one of the times when the player is radioed to go somewhere the player should be ambushed by a few prisoners. Or maybe the player should be randomly searched by the prison guards for having illegal items. If the player wants to get too rough beating prisoners, he never gets reprimanded. There are gangs but there is no gang warfare! Many things could of been used better. Come on devs, do better!
Prison Simulator System Requirements
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 7 64 bit
- Processor: Intel Core i3
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 960 / AMD R9-380
- Storage: 6 GB available space
- Click the Download Here button above and you should be redirected to GamesDatabase.
- Wait 5 seconds and click on the grey ‘download now’ button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
- Once the game is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to” (To do this you must have 7-Zip or winrar, which you can get here).
- Double click inside the Prison Simulator folder and run the exe application.
- Thats all, enjoy the game! Make sure to run the game as administrator and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a file named All In One Runtimes.exe run this and install it.